Thursday, 11 August 2011



   Meditation the gateway through which we  arrive to the world of freedom from all the negativity , pure blissfull state . LEARN   TO  BE MASTER  OF YOUR MIND  AND NOT THE SLAVE OF IT . Your mind is a instrument when you are calm and cool your mind feels the inner self more clearly . The relaxed mind  soar your spirit high  .
                                A free and silent maind is always in the state of  pure consciousness . this time you feel more closer to nature . As a result the law of nature  supports you in every possible way . Your percetion  changes  towards  and things look very simple to you . you are more focussed in your thinking . One should  therefore  understand the scienceof soul . The  purpose of  human life  is to get out of the threefold miserable  conditions , which  means to earn more and more for the materilistic  comforts . Unfortunately  they risk being degraded to lower species of life. They do not  stop to consider  that they will live only for a certain number of years . thus all their activies simply defeat the purpose of life . Unless one comes to the platform of ATMA+TATTVA   by which  one knows about the soul. we all  want to  feel the fullness of life . But how ?? So there is one and one techninqe that is meditation . To attain  bliss..............just tune your mind towards  a goal  to meditate  and  achieve  permanent happiness .
                               The body needs material food and the soul needs spiritual food . When all th layers of consciousness  are quit utterly still only then  the total bliss is there . The idea is to establish  yourself in a deep and comfortable position mentally  and just close your eyes  . rest will follow .