Sunday, 24 June 2012



 ''The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched . They must be felt with the heart .''    
                                 Helen Keller

   Same thing applies in the matter of values . It can't be touched but yes it can be reflected in your behaviour . Moral values are not a religion . Right values make a balance in the society .  Every individual has his or her set of moral values . The family, is first and formost the  teacher of a  child . Parents should make a point to teach right values to the child . Right parenting is need of the hour . Our education system is  niether helping nor promoting  values to the new generation . Gradually , loss of values creating a situation that is not very pleasing .

                                Values are not hereditary. True values are priceless . Right values can be learned through  good ,positive literature .Incourage children to read nice books . The media is somewhere responcible for not creating a high value system . If our values are not clear no doubt our perception will be effected . we will be able to decide what is wrong or what is right . Naturally the out come of this confused state of mind will influence our decisions . Hard working person knows the value of money .

                       Values should be taught to children so that life become meaningful to them .  It means a  well groomed society . Negative impact of personal values destroys everything of self and others . So whenever we think of values we should always be positive  . I am just astonished to see children who are grown uo and well settled but they expect parents should do everything for them . This is greed .no value for their hard earned money . Expectations are too mush . Where  this going to lead the new generation and when it will stop .Money can but only those things which money can buy but what about respect ,love ,values money can't buy . Little acts of kindness never go unnoticed . we need to set our priorities right.

             values --
                              value determine what we like or we don't like .
                      values  help to decide our choice or decisions .
                   value change with time ,change with circumstances .
                  change is law of nature . some person feel comfortable for some unconvinient .
             Money is important but values are of great importance . Lost    money           can be earned again but loss of values is difficult to gain . Before we blame others lets just evaluate who is to blame . Fixing a blame but what about dissolving a blame . we must decide to do something that our new generation doen't miss that is priceless , values .

                              '' no person was ever honored for what he recived .Honor has been the reward for what he gave ''

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