Sunday, 31 July 2011

new concept ....The cougar couple

            Time has changed  very fast .In india  we always thought  about the normal  age difference in a couple  that men should always be older  than  women  .But  the new concept is taking place  very fast  in new generation  or you can say in general  among all the people .
                            Somebody has very rightly said  love has no age bar . cougar  relationship  is catering up among them . The scene has changed ,the women  are independent  finacially ,moraly, socialy. Their  thinking  is taking a different shape .They are more open now . Now  women enjoy  the power of choosing  life partner with out thinking about age , caste ,status in socaity .It is awomen's choice as well as men's .
                         To many men and women  buckle under pressure and passively conform to society's expectations  of what they should look like or how they should behave after a certain age . Never allow the  society  to define your image or your conduct in life . it should be always  a personal choice .
                         In this all  we must not say it is a femminist approach . Of course it does'nt mean that women  have indifferent to their  family but now they want  to enjoy life as they want .  I fully appreciate
the zest for life .I know of men and women  who lost their mates and feeling very lonely  and want to start  a fresh life .
                       Its high time when the members of conservative societies respect  the decision of individuals.  Trust me is the only answer  for all the problems . We do everything  to get happiness in our life or for others also . So be loving to everyone in all possible way . Life  will  be a total bliss .

Sunday, 24 July 2011

true strength

                                                       True  Strength

     We always make a mistake and then learn from it but some people are such fools they never learn from their past mistakes . I am going to narrate a small incident of my friend to make it more clear .
              A lady friend of mine  unfortunately lost her husband when she just touched  fifties . It was very unexpected for her . It was a very serious blow for because her children were still studying  and not settled .This shock left her high and dry . Her financial  condition was not very sound . There were many relatives and friends but as it happens with everybody , one by one all were gone . NO moral support no financial support  but anyhow she maneged  everything . I was sailently  watching everything . But this shook me very badly .
                    I realised  how weak a women  can  be  when things go wrong in life . But you have to be strong when you have no option . My friend's  condition unfolded  many facts of life  for me also .
Loosing a life partner is not a very easy situation to deal with . The fact is this that nobody  can anticipate anything in life . Most women postpone thinking about  their health ,money and looks . But i think  we should always  plan everything case somehing goes wrong .
                     Allow me to come to the point of  true strength . One should pay alot of attention to health and  financial security . These are two  basic things which  can create  big problems. A  healthy  body can have  a healthy mind  and a healthy mind  can have a positive attitude towards  everyone .
 Being left alone perhaps the most haunting fear for any man or women .
                     To plan a solo future can be very traumatic  but take it as a only solution . Grief spares nobody .Each and every person has to face it at  any level of life .
                      So all you need is your inner strength  to come out  or to bounce back in life . It takes time
because emotions and memories  are not a writing on the wall that you go and wipe it . The true strength lies with in us but we have to find it .Then you really bacome strong in every respect .
                        This is also a good time to give to back to socaity  by doing a volunteering  service . It gives a feeling of self satisfaction  that i  am doing something  noble for others . After seeing their smiling faces  we get inner strength  .Never look back it makes  us  nostalgic . Be an help for those who are deserving . Thoughts are the language of universe .They represent our consciousness . we can be very happy and content .
                                  language has created the word " lonliness
                                to express the pain of being alone
                                  It has created the word "  solitude"
                                To express the glory of being alone
                                                                                           By paul

Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Be a watcher

                                                   Be a watcher

Be a watcher of all the emotions and actions around you because it is going to effect your entire
 life in more than one way .
                            i would like to come to the point . The condiion of our country is in very bad shape .It is very depressing also for its citiznes .We feel so helpless sometimes that  can we d somehing to improve this situation ?
                           The role of media  is not very positive inall this wheather it is electronic media or the print media . All the channels are equally responsible for this . They were covering each and every detail of baba Ramdev's anshan but at the same ime the death of swami  Nigmanand went in vain .He was fighting for a noble cause  but who cares for him . He was neither rich nor famous .So this was his fault . Being simple is such a big crime .
                                 The complete media behaved in a most  unresonable way .We  the people of India accepted  the most unacceptable  thing . We were just merely watching all  and not doing anything . I just blame every person  including  me . We say all the polititions  are currupt  and what about us ?  We  are mentally currupt because we accept it  . 
                            The problem is whom to trust ?  We watch our T.V. and read newspaper with a hope and trust but do they deserve this amount of trust ?
                          So its high time  we the people of India  and the youth come forward  to do something  for the country . The crime rate is so high only the police is not responcible  we should also come forward and behave like a law abiding citizen . Most  of the policemen are just being used for the security of the V.I.P. people . why ..............It has become a status symble  having security at the cost of tax-payers money .  This should be stopped  at any cost .
                          To conclude  this i only want that now .....wake up . Its a now or never .
                                      Life is a dream  for the wise
                                     A  game  for the  fool
                                   Acomedy for the  rich
                                 A  tragedy  for the poor

Saturday, 9 July 2011


          Hope  is the only word in our life that keeps us going , whatever we think in our daily life there is always  a ray of hope .we should associate with people of high moral character .A pleasing personality is easy to recognisebut very difficult to define .Generally we see the world not the way it is but the way we think .some people always like to complain but it is because they never trust others .this means we must make a habit to trust others and always hope for the best .
                             Character building becomes a habit .we need to cultivate the habit of this to have hope no matter what the situation is .It is never too late to change . Regardless of our age or how old the habit has been .Happiness and unhappiness are a habit .we ought to remember that values and virtues are not hereditary , they are learnt.
            The best and most beauiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. they must be felt with the heart.........Helen keller...