Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Be a watcher

                                                   Be a watcher

Be a watcher of all the emotions and actions around you because it is going to effect your entire
 life in more than one way .
                            i would like to come to the point . The condiion of our country is in very bad shape .It is very depressing also for its citiznes .We feel so helpless sometimes that  can we d somehing to improve this situation ?
                           The role of media  is not very positive inall this wheather it is electronic media or the print media . All the channels are equally responsible for this . They were covering each and every detail of baba Ramdev's anshan but at the same ime the death of swami  Nigmanand went in vain .He was fighting for a noble cause  but who cares for him . He was neither rich nor famous .So this was his fault . Being simple is such a big crime .
                                 The complete media behaved in a most  unresonable way .We  the people of India accepted  the most unacceptable  thing . We were just merely watching all  and not doing anything . I just blame every person  including  me . We say all the polititions  are currupt  and what about us ?  We  are mentally currupt because we accept it  . 
                            The problem is whom to trust ?  We watch our T.V. and read newspaper with a hope and trust but do they deserve this amount of trust ?
                          So its high time  we the people of India  and the youth come forward  to do something  for the country . The crime rate is so high only the police is not responcible  we should also come forward and behave like a law abiding citizen . Most  of the policemen are just being used for the security of the V.I.P. people . why ..............It has become a status symble  having security at the cost of tax-payers money .  This should be stopped  at any cost .
                          To conclude  this i only want that now .....wake up . Its a now or never .
                                      Life is a dream  for the wise
                                     A  game  for the  fool
                                   Acomedy for the  rich
                                 A  tragedy  for the poor


  1. Who is responsible for all this mess ?
    What is the solution for this ?

    As per my understanding n knowledge we all are responsible for this, our country and youth heading without direction. We all need right direction.

  2. There can be no daily democracy without daily citizenship

  3. “The best way to waste your life, ... is by taking notes. The easiest way to avoid living is to just watch

  4. well said ..sachin thanks

    thanks Dr. Ankit K. srivastava
