Sunday, 24 June 2012



 ''The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched . They must be felt with the heart .''    
                                 Helen Keller

   Same thing applies in the matter of values . It can't be touched but yes it can be reflected in your behaviour . Moral values are not a religion . Right values make a balance in the society .  Every individual has his or her set of moral values . The family, is first and formost the  teacher of a  child . Parents should make a point to teach right values to the child . Right parenting is need of the hour . Our education system is  niether helping nor promoting  values to the new generation . Gradually , loss of values creating a situation that is not very pleasing .

                                Values are not hereditary. True values are priceless . Right values can be learned through  good ,positive literature .Incourage children to read nice books . The media is somewhere responcible for not creating a high value system . If our values are not clear no doubt our perception will be effected . we will be able to decide what is wrong or what is right . Naturally the out come of this confused state of mind will influence our decisions . Hard working person knows the value of money .

                       Values should be taught to children so that life become meaningful to them .  It means a  well groomed society . Negative impact of personal values destroys everything of self and others . So whenever we think of values we should always be positive  . I am just astonished to see children who are grown uo and well settled but they expect parents should do everything for them . This is greed .no value for their hard earned money . Expectations are too mush . Where  this going to lead the new generation and when it will stop .Money can but only those things which money can buy but what about respect ,love ,values money can't buy . Little acts of kindness never go unnoticed . we need to set our priorities right.

             values --
                              value determine what we like or we don't like .
                      values  help to decide our choice or decisions .
                   value change with time ,change with circumstances .
                  change is law of nature . some person feel comfortable for some unconvinient .
             Money is important but values are of great importance . Lost    money           can be earned again but loss of values is difficult to gain . Before we blame others lets just evaluate who is to blame . Fixing a blame but what about dissolving a blame . we must decide to do something that our new generation doen't miss that is priceless , values .

                              '' no person was ever honored for what he recived .Honor has been the reward for what he gave ''

Saturday, 23 June 2012



           The most beautiful word to describe the state of being in own's company . one longs for solitude . one can enjoy his or her own new ideas . creativity is at its best         form in solitude . Great poets like         Wordsworth and Alexgender Pope  used this word in in most attractive best possible way .
                              ''                 The solitary reaper

                 Behold her , single in the field
                                 yon solitary highland Lass,
                  Reaping and singing by herself
                                Stop here, or gently pass
                Alone she cuts and binds the grain
                                  And sings a melancholy strain .

        These beautiful and touching lines by Wordsworth .

        No one likes loniness or isolation . Appriciation of this situation can't be possible .

       Lonliness is distressing . Enjoyment is not there . Suffering is the other name of lonliness .
       Isolation is again being seperated from the world . The mere possibility of being in this state  is not very pleasing . Where as the solitude is full of your own refection  of happy moments of life . If we further go in full meaning of solitude it is a complete philosphy of life .
Lets break the word and try to find out the real meaning of this sinle word . It has volumes to say .
       Solace----comfort or consolation in the time of distressor sadness . calming effect in sorrow or misfortune .

    Objective ----to get peace and harmony .

   Lovable ------charming ,winning ,pleasing ,delightful , sweet , lovely ,cute . this single word has so many shades of feelings .

     Individuality------the qualitiy that distinguish one person from another person .

     Tolrance -----the ability ,willingness to bear anything , to face pleasure and pain at the same time . capacity to endure pain . Acceptence which is not our choice .

Unified  consciousness -----the higher level of consciousness . we attain this state when we permanently established in the field of pure consciousness . The perception becomes very clear .

Devotion -----it stands for total surrender ,great love ,loyality . Devotion can be anywhere ,religious ,friend ,family .

 Endurance -----ability to withstand  prolong  strain . solitude makes one happy . no place for pain and  discomfort is there .

                        This is how the word solitude has a soothing effect . Opinions can be different from person to person but some basic values never change . Some feelings are universal like
love, justice ,goodness , humanity , empathy ,commitment . these are the facts .

                                                       Ode to solitude

           Thus let me live , unseen , unknown
                          Thus unlamentedlet me dye ,
          steal from the world and not a stone ,
                        Tell where i lye .
                                                Alexander Pope

The turning point

                                                     The turning point

Living with grace on your terms is not so simple . The journey of life is is full of set backs and happy moments .Life is sweet and sour .

                                    life is queer with its twists and turns
                                  as every one of us sometimes learns ,
                                 And many a failure turns about
                                when he might have won had he stru ck it out
                              Don't give up though the pace seems slow
                               you may succeed with another blow .
                                                                         By a unknown poet

life - The state of being alive with all the difficulties , possibilities and harmonious moments . Life copletes its full circle no matter what comes in between the intervals . The life is divided in many phases of time . The childhood , very beautiful phase of life ,exceptions are there . Fortunate  people have it .   It is uoto you how tackle your problems and low period .

                               There is always positive and negative side in life . Persistance life brings succees never mind the time . Succeeses is subjective . It doen't mean everyone's acceptance .Oftentimes disappointment , depression becomes very dominent emotions ,the come out we are loosers . It can be in any respect thats the most difficult phase of life . Only the inner strength and will power to bounce back can  help you . That the time take a wise , strong decision it may be difficult or hurtful . The turning point .....of one's life , a important change , sudden loss anything comples you . This is called a time of judgement with a positive attitude .
                               Face all the adversity the result will be rewarding . success and happiness like twin sisters .The worst is over .Make a new set of friends who are encouraging , vibrant and with ahigh moral values . Emotional vaccume created by incidents , family , friends takes a lot of time and energy . But as a old saying ' time is a great healer . . very true .
                            There was a friend of mine she was very happy go lucky type of person , Very helping attitude but suddenly her life took a sharp turn . A personal tragedy shook her . she went in hibernation . All of a sudden she was on the cross road what to do how  to start life again .It was her turning point . She took reins of her life in her control . Perpetually she began a new phase of life with fresh vigour 
                               Hurdles are like a speed breaker not the end of the road . A new beginning is always there . New apportunities , new path , new perception like a new leaves . After a cold winter season spring comes with new leaves and flowers . Nature is a great teacher .
                     ''      O  land of thoughts O cradle of those who worshiped truth and venerated beauty
       we can reach you neither by ship nor by any vessel and least of all an horse back or by camel,
 you are neither to east nor to west to south nor north .
                    In the minds of man you are light and fire .you are the beating heart in my breast .''

                                                                                                     by Khalil Gibran



listening is a great art . Patience , empathy , compassion are the imporatant virtues for a good listener . A  talker is beautiful no doubt  but listener is more attactive . Listener pays respect to speaker and gives full attention to the speaker . The beauty  of listening  is immence . While listening
 attentively  we get more values and more knowledge . some times people only want to speak but if you will not listen others  will listen you . If you are impaient to speak ......just wait and listen carefully others . It will give you more time to think before you speak your mind . Talking can make you smart but listening will bring you respect . Perhaps by listening only your perception improve .
 So do it well listen , get more out of listening .

Sunday, 17 June 2012

Attitude ...a problem?

                                                 Attitude ....a problem ?

 Attitude is not everything but it is the main thing that effects everything .''
                                                                                 by John Maxwell

            How much you understand about your attitude ? Is it really important ? attitude - means the way you behave or think .It can be both positive or negative is a integral part ofour life . The positive attitude makes life simple ,better and healthy . Then why don't people adopt this ? because they never know which dierction they are taking . The outcome shows them wheather they are taking a wrong or right direction .The answer is that people don't really bother .
                                    The power of attitude is a gift we are born with  and if it is utilised in a proper way it can do wonders . It has immense power . The impact of positive attitude is far more rewarding than we anticipate . For example if a person is very skillful but with a negative attitude ,no one will like to work with him. where as the other person who is not that much qualified but have a positive attitude and full of humor . he can go to higher places.
                                     oftentimes people say you are having so many problems because of your attitude ......yes it is true . we complecate things so take it as a challange thrown at you by a well wisher .Negative attitude makes you unpopular , unsuccessful , unhappy and a distressed person .
  Try to change . it is difficult but  not               impossible . KNOW YOUR ATTITUDE , it will make a subtle change . first of all rate yourself as a person . look around make sure not to judge anyone .
never be rude , never underestimate anybody , don't overstimate yourself , make a plan for your work ,respect every individual . Healthy attitude helps everywhere in work place or achieving a goal .
It costs nothing but generates enomous energy .P osi itive attitude is like a true partner never leaves your side .Believing is not enough ,implement it strongly .
                                             Beside attitude ,there is another word that also plays a very important role iin our successful life that is APITUDE , it means natural ability or skill to do anything .it contributes a lot in building a healthy attitude .Attitude is a state of mind .our thoughts ,feelings , past experiences all come together and form attitude . Its a mental creation .
                            Jillian Michaels , a strength trainer and a life coach at N.B.C. series belives ,''you can change your life by changing your mind because the mind directs and drives everything a person does.''
                             So all we need for a healthy , happy and successful is just to lighten up a little , unstressed  state of mind . the ulimate goal of life is to get more and more happiness . Humor has a majic power .It improves health . it reduces the chances of falling ill frequently . Apositive and protective aura protects you from negativity . Many hospitals incorporating the ' humor programmes ' for the fast recovery .
                                 The bottom line is to keep positive attitude with a healthy aptitude you can make world a better place to live for the coming generation . You want to fly or fall it all depends on your attitude . Don't waste any more this valuable time .

                             '' The final forming of a person's character lies in their own hands ''
                                                                                              by Anne Frank

Saturday, 16 June 2012



Love is a great enigma. it is like a acute fever that rises and falls in due course of time .love is a very delicate emotion and very soft feeling of any human being . people play games in the name of love .The innocent people get hurt in return . when we are in love or love someone very passionately we hardly see anything wrong , negative in that person . we get carried away . It is a natural flow of love that forbades us to even think about any selfish motive , there is a thin line between true love or just showing off your love .
                                 Oftentimes we decieve ourselves for the time being .Nothing last forever .Time changes ,person changes so naturally the outcome will be changed . change is call of nature . No one can  avoid it . It is just a passing phase of life . But yes if you are fortunate enough to get a really true life partner then enjoy it till it last .
                                  Loving so much with deep feelings can be very hurting. Though it is said real love means , no expectations . Human nature is like that . It can be a punishment ,resiprocation of feelings is bound to be there . Some persons could have a different thoughts about it . It is a debatable issue .Total rejection causes depression , distress .
                      Never stop loving .it is God's precious gift to us . Believe in it . we should not judge anyone's feelings ........after all there is judgement Day wait for that . There is no farewell tonight .
                    The upanishads declare'  you are what your deepest desire is .As is your desire,so is your intention. As is your intention ,so is your will.As is your will ,so is your deed. As is your deed ,so is your destiny .''

Thursday, 7 June 2012

be tough

                                                               Be tough

    Everybody  ws fixing the blame ,.............nobody is fixing the problem .
                           We gained nothing but most important thing is that we lost nothing . our life will become a light for someone . choose the path of possibility thinking path , it has never let anybody down .We may quit the path , but the path keeps right on going to happiness ,health ,peace  and prosperity .
                        when the roads are tough the tough person rise to avoid the occasion . they win even though it is difficult but not impossible .It is law of life .Tough people rise to the top in tough times . Faith is the answer of all the inner strength , it gives power to fight all the problems and the feeling that i will win . There is no substitute for the deep faith .Just hold on your faith and you will be a winner .This i believe to follow it ......a strong mental positive attitude to survive .

                                  The main point is very clear that human race or nobody is free from problems .Adesire to think  about a problem - free life is amirage in the desert . we should accept the fact that god never promised a easy life .so be brave and tough , face the problems of life in a more effective way , it could have been worse .sometimes there is not a problembut a decision you have to make is painful ,lack of courage creats aproblem . It is a illusion there is a problem i took a wrong perception . Try to be realistic ,the positive approch has always attracted the positive support from friends and family .
                                    Make a commitment to yourself that i will be happy and enthusiastic , will dedicate my happiness to others so they can learn a lesson in life and be happy ,no matter what the situation is .In fact the three D's play a very important role in our life , desire ,dedication and determination . the desire should be as powerful as a strong wave coming from deep sea bed. people ...who are winner in their life never stop believing in themselves. They have a strong sence of determination . Sometimes emotions make us weak but our dedication to fulfill our desire makes a very simple path . If  dreams are big ..........determination is a tool to make them come true .
                                  Don't be too proud to tell people you need help . Oftentimes we have to choose we want to be successful or to be proud then choose according to intelligence . The hardest words ' i need help ' but use it if other options are not there . Never let a problem become an excuse . Face all short- comings , faults and then find a way .Possibility is a very creative , productive and progressive word . If we analize the power of this single word .....things begin to shin. It creats the atmosphere of creativity and the energy it generates penitrates our mind .Ember takes the shape of flame .
                            A single idea can solve many problems .So always pray ........prayer has a magical power .

              ''     Lord , give me the guidence to know when to hold on and when to let go and the grace to make the right decision with dignity ''


Sunday, 20 May 2012

Egoic mind

                                                       Egoic mind

forgiveness comes naturally , when you see no purpose other than a false sence of self or to keep the ego in place .
                 Every religion teaches--
                                    Forgive your enemies

      The past has no power to stop you from being present now .Only your grivances about past can do it . The extra baggage of old thoughts and emotions , we always carry with ourselves .Here we can relate it to our ego . Ego is the energy behind brain ...........or what !!!

                                 The fact is we don't know what is all mystry , we cover up the real fact of life ,it is still a unsolved question for human race . Many scholars ,researches have different views but the most important ,relationship in your life is your relationship with your present life or with NOW. The ego ,could be defined simply in one way .........your relationship with present .We can see a person from surface level and make a image of that person .....he or she is very egoist person , but no we are wrong , every person has a ego ,if you are being positive you are humble and simple if you have a inflated ego you are negative but it proves that ego is a unformed energy which gives us power to think .

                  A number of spiritual teachings tell us to let go fear and desire but is it possible while living in this materialistic world ? trying to become a a good and better human being sounds like high minded thing to do yet you can not succeed in unless a shift of consciousness is there . you can not become good by trying it only , you have to bring out the goodness in you . It will emerge only if the basic goodness is there in you . Try to change the state of consciousness or improve the level of your consciousness .
                         The content of the ego varies from person to person but in every human being the same ego structure works . They live on seperation and identification . The egoic mind is completely conditioned by the past . Why ?? the reason is again our past . We suffer from acute prresure of past .
The word 'my ' is structured in our inner self . One of the most basic struture through which the ego comes into existence is identefication . we identify with everything this is 'my ' house ,my home . the identification is cause of attachment and attachment is cause of suffering .
                                       Even in relationships , we use them as a means to self -enhancement , we try to find ourselves through them . we seek appriciation ,admiration , praise to make ourselves happy even for a short span because this happiness can not last long with us . This is a obsession for wanting more and more ,there is no end of it .The unchecked striving for more . It is a negative growth of self or ego .WE need to be    alert and honest to find out , do we really deserve this love and admiration in a relationship with others ?
                                        Some ego know what they want and pursue their aim with a strong will .Therefore wanting keeps the ego alive much more than having .Most ego have conflicting wants .Often they want money ,power ,name ,fame and they will do everything possible to fulfill their desire but at the same time they want peace ,harmoney ,love ,knowledge . So this is intence wanting , that has no specific object . this can be very disappointing sometimes .
                                  Suddenly we loose something very expensive or we lost our spouse and found i am having nothing . In the beginning the anguish and intence fear is so high that we loose the confidence in ourselves or go in a state of self exile . The answer is simple .....this is a sudden collapse of ego , since ego is identification of form , when there is nothing to identify you realize the true identity as consciousness itself  rather than what consciousness had identified with .
                                   Here ego takes a new form , sometimes the new ego will be more rigid and impenetrable than the old one . Whenever tragic loss occurs you either resist or yield . Some people become bitter or deeply hurt and other become wise and loving .
                              Yielding --- you are open to life , you have accepted the fact
                              resistance ---going into shell of false ego , to withstand ,to strive against reality

                                 Coincidence happen ,if you are closing all doors for others God will open new doors for you .The inner- stillness disolves with time .The ego surrenders with time ,love ,care . The ego takes another form of identification . The newness in life begins .The quest goes on.................

Saturday, 12 May 2012

different outlook

                                                            Different outlook

When we see things or hear or touch whatever we experience goes to mind and mind filters everything .Every sight , sound and sensation and emotion and every word is analysed by our mind . Every mind is different from each other so the experience of each mind is bound to be different .as a result of this every person has a different perception or experience .This causes conflict and diffenence of opinion. THis is basic of every conflit in the world .We think differently , act differently and judge others action differently . The judgement will be in the propotion of our mind's intelligence The amount of our thoughts our mind generates or you can say the level of our thinking will be directly effected by our own level of consciousness or self , or ego .
                                            The ego is like bubble through which we see or percieve the world . Thoughts formsof 'me'  'mine' pertain not to content but the strutureof the ego.As long as you don't recognize those thoughts forms with in yoursslf will believe that. no content will satisfy you as long as the egoic structure remains in place . Nobody will be happy because the basic conflict is very much there . By doing so we make every actions with a prejudice mind . It effcts our relationship with others .To bring harmoney and happiness we should always first think cooly and calmly ,stable then think twice before making a final decision . it will avoid many more conflicts in future .

                                 how to keep our mind cool ? this is a big question before us because we are always short of time . The life is so stressful it is very harmful for us   and for the coming generation it will be more difficult to remain unstressful . Being unaware we loose many things in life such as laughing ,smileing and after a days hard work what we watch t,v, ate dinner and sleep . so no useful conversation with family members . it creats a gap of between family members and with children . it is not a healthy way of life .
                                             we should keep the things in a more positive way .adopt a more flexible attitude towards everyone .It is only possible when we are ready to change ourselves. we want everything according to our desire with out making a single change in our behaviour .change is teh basic fact or reality of our life .we rave rant ,beg ,borrow or stealbut satisfaction or happiness is far away from us .we try to change but when that suits us then . no it is not chnage it is only adjustment for the time being . it is not a parmanent base of happiness .
                                          The most important thing which is in our control  to chnage is our mind .try to change mind by taking the path of acceptence and surrender to the god or the supreme almighty .we can change conflict into compromises, misery into happiness .
                                                    So to make life a beautiful journey that is full of love , care ,empathy we should apply a tecnique and that is Meditation . our minds will be unstressed , free from the daily worries .then we will be able to think on a same mental vave length then all misunderstanding will be dissolved to acertain extent .eventually the basic negative thoughts will be desolved .we would like to converse with each other . agruments will be less because our thinking will be more or less same .
life will not be a bed of roses but even the life will be more comfotable .

                                           Can you feel you are much more intelligent to waste your time and enegy onthis useless topics like conflict ,anger,jelousy no no come out of this and make a planet a better place to live . we are here with amassage all people unconditionlly and be loved by all .

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

medication and meditation

                                              medication and meditation

 All good things come to them who wait for them .
                                The word medication - the art or science of treating disease by non- surgical means . our health  should be our priority because when we are healthy we lead a normal and happy life . But our body is like a machine and so wear and tear is a part of life . No matter how much we try to be fit and fine but off an on illness knocks at our door . Today we have everything except time for ourselves . So maintaing a healthy life style is a bit difficult . Often we forget that to get all the material gain we neglect our health and the same money we spend on doctors and medicines .In order to live our life worthwhile should always avoid carelessness about our health .The more we compromise on our health , the greater and damage we cause to our body .

                          We have to stop treating our body like commodities with a price tag , protect our health is both process and our duty . It helps us to avoid unneccsary use of medicines . After seeing and knowing what is right for our health and still not doing it shows our intention of not taking our health problems seriously . Too much use of medicines is not a way of leading a healthy life . Eventually we just tired of taking medicines and want some other way to be healthy . Who  are we kidding ? Of course ourselves . Anxiety also comes naturally when we see things are going well for ourselves or for our loved ones . The trouble is that many of our health problems we face today may have been solved more easily if we would have been a little careful . Nevermind acually our body and mind are both are very much connected  and if we have a healthy mind then the chances of falling ill again and again can be reduced to some extent .

                            Here comes the second and most important word of this article -Meditation . What is Meditation ? It is a purely a mental activity , you don't have to put pressure on your mind for anything ......just remember it is only a reconditioning of mind .It brings the mind back the feeling of freshness and oneness . The first step is - stop thinking that life is a stuggle . Meditation means  many different things for different persons .Some do it to get calming effect , some practice meditation for gaining a new experience and pleasure . but one thing for sure it treats sickness of the mind that leads to sickness of our body .
                                What is the real purpose of Meditation ? why we should adopt it ?
         the purpose of meditation is to make our mind calm and peaceful and worryless . Meditation develops awareness among people .awareness is invisible but its effects are visible everywhere . The density of thoughts reduces and then mind is purely in a blissful state . This state is the key for unstressing of our physilogy .Meditation gives relaxation to mind and nutures a healthy balance between outer and inner world.
                                   we only promote spiritual understanding and improve our actions towards a better world .If our mind is healthy and happy from inside it will have a very positive effect on our body . It has been proved by many medical researchs that a meditator is more healthy than a non-meditator . so to make society more healthy and happy in real sence we should adopt meditation in our life style .
                         The shower of cosmic enegy ........the more you meditate the more you  percieve cosmic energy . perpeptually  we will be able to lead a very healthy life .

                    Responsibilty creats a lot of stress and it causes desiese . so being happy and spreading happyness around us is our most important responsbility .
                          in the end allow me to say that mind and body both should be healthy so to avoid medication adopt meditation ............

Monday, 30 April 2012

power of courage

                                                  power of courage

             courage has its own way of expression  . what is a character with out courage ? just like knowledge of everything but not using it , and what courage is if we do not know what and how to implement it . we need courage in every field of life . To lead a happy and honourable life -----the most important thing is courage .True courage to stand unmoved in the most difficult condition . It is a very powerful  trait god has given us .
                                courage gives us the power to move with confidence . First set your goal in life and thenstart moving towards that goal in a constructive way ......a couragious action . we can have difficulties or hurdles , facing opposition or taking risk anything  but having courage on your side you can win and you will be a winner . Lack of courage makes us unsuccessful ,dull, unhappy and gives a feeling of total failure in life .  There is a old saying , " when nature throws a dagger at you there are only two ways to catch it ,either by blade or by the handle ," So living with dignity and courage you have to catch the dagger by its handle . we can see courage in very small things in our daily life even in deaming we need courage .let us see here few examples like courage to face reality ,courage to learn anything , courage to apologise , courage to listen , courage to love and the courage to face rejection also .  Our courage can be our strength in hour of need .
                                  One man with courage makes a majority .
                                                                                                   Andrew jackson

                                 Faith - in ourselves is another form of courage .Faith gives us strength . There is very thin line between wrong ang right .Our belief system provides the knowledge of this . courageous people do the right things even if the path is full of difficulties where as the coward take the wrong way for easy gain . Always make the right choice . False courage is very perilous or full of risks . It is our ability to decide when to move forward and when to withdraw . your faith in yourself helps to turn your dreams into a reality .

                                   courage may be the most important virtue because with out it you won't have the strength to sustain any other value .
                                                                   Maya Angelou

                        The flow of courage comes from inside . It can be cultivated .It is not a virtue that you can have today and gone next day . It remains with you forever if you want a happy , beautiful and complete life . You have to be in a driver's seat for taking the right decisions at the right time . we lose the respect for those people who lack courage . The great thinkers always took the courageous path , that why they are called thinkers .
                                   Cowards die many times before their death ,
                                  the valiant never taste of death but once .
                                                                                                          shakespeare .

Friday, 30 March 2012

being single

                                                                 Being single

      Living  single is a accomplishment not just achievement . Honour and being single has many dimensions . Being single is another way of facing the world with a fresh and  clear perception . All over again you have to start a new  phase of life . Weakness in any area could disrupt living with respect and dignity . A society is nothing but a composite of individuals . In order to live with honour we need  to define our living style . How we want to live ? Being single gives meaning to your life , now what you want to do with your time . we can do whatever we could not do when we were busy or leading  the life with your life partner . But it is not so simple and easy . we go through a lot of mental turmoil .   It is not very easily accepted in our indian society , because from young age woman are protected by father , brother , husband and in latter years if you lost your partner your sons or daughters are supposed to look after you or they become your focal point in life . But  as the  time has changed the financial independent lady wants to lead her life in her own way .
                  I personally feel that everyone is single in her or his life wheather married or having a steady relationship , or live in times you want some peacefull moments with you only . Having people around does not mean that you are not alone . It is a mental state , most peacefull and pure bliss . It is high time you meet yourself . Do some good work , educate children if one can efford , read some good stuff . It uplifts your moral and gives you  inner strength . This state can be very powerfull if we use it in a creative way .It empowers you in the field of spirituality if you have a liking for that . It really gives a lot of satisfaction . A person feels complete , fulfilled which is the ultimate objective of any honourable person .
                             Mythologist Devdutt pattanaik wrote somewhere , Everyone survives in this world . Nature does not judge or discriminate only humans do .We creat insiders or outsiders . Family is natural relation so we are very attached to our respective families but if you are a single woman and want to do something different you have to be a strong person or have a clear vision  about your objective . Always do the right thing even if no one is watching you . Develop a high standard of personal ethics . Meeting people who have clear conscience gives a feeling of comfort . When our value system is clear , decision - making becomes a lot easier even though they may not be easy decisions .
                          Emotionally , single person can be very strong because he or she has to deal with her or his loneliness or solitude .  That requires mental thoughness.  Mental toughness is the ability to see the long term gain . we always go for a short term gain it can be painful. once  we have gained the mental toughness at same moment we gained the winning edge . Life is very beautiful it is the firmness of spirit that meets danger without fear . Fear is a cause of suffering when we are emotinally weak we dont want to come out of our comfort zone .
                                 Can't we live with ourselves ? God never promised us an easy life . Life seems very easy when the going is good but we have to do our best when we feel our worst . It is sad and hurting but life goes like this wheather you take or leave it . Universal love .......adopt this way . There is an old law of nature you will get what you give others . There is a old saying that you will never get in trouble if you say ,'' i love you ' once a day . Think about it .
                                The feeling of satisfaction or shame comes from the purity of relationship . So in any relationship honesty should be maintained at any cost . Lonliness .......we all feel it many times in life but it is a battle and we have to fight it with love and courage . God is everywhere with us for giving us the right direction . Nature and time both are great teachers .  we should learn from it . Bringing a smile on a sad face is a service to society ...........and a rent for living on this planet .

Thursday, 12 January 2012



      we often think  about the silence of mind or peace of mind ......both are different things if we are silent it does not mean the peace of mind . the concept of silence is totally different . the quiteness is not silence , the noiselessness  is not silence  , your inner power has a silent music , a fragrance  that gives us the real  sense of silence .
                             the inner world there is song with out a sound and the mind can never reach there only our inner self can touch there . The mind is always busy with the conflict of thoughts but  in silence there is no verbalization thoughts are absent  so the mind can not operate . A  stillness is there beginning and no end just silence from inside and from outside .
                         The content of this silence can not be measured by words  because  it is a  feeling  of inner self . Meditation is the only key to  open your inner door of consciousness .  A single thought  can disturb  the silence of your mind  just like a single stone  thrown in the  silent  lake .
                              The day you experience the inner silence will always long for this .
The eternal silence  is there  but you have to feel it