Thursday 12 January 2012



      we often think  about the silence of mind or peace of mind ......both are different things if we are silent it does not mean the peace of mind . the concept of silence is totally different . the quiteness is not silence , the noiselessness  is not silence  , your inner power has a silent music , a fragrance  that gives us the real  sense of silence .
                             the inner world there is song with out a sound and the mind can never reach there only our inner self can touch there . The mind is always busy with the conflict of thoughts but  in silence there is no verbalization thoughts are absent  so the mind can not operate . A  stillness is there beginning and no end just silence from inside and from outside .
                         The content of this silence can not be measured by words  because  it is a  feeling  of inner self . Meditation is the only key to  open your inner door of consciousness .  A single thought  can disturb  the silence of your mind  just like a single stone  thrown in the  silent  lake .
                              The day you experience the inner silence will always long for this .
The eternal silence  is there  but you have to feel it

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